Managing commands

This is how you enable/disable commands

Command Management

You can manage Wump's commands in various ways, some of them are:

  1. Deleting a command's file

  2. Disabling the command in it's extData

  3. Editing the enabled commands inside of the configuration file

Deleting a command's file

This is the simplest way to disable a command: by deleting it entirely. Although this is not recommended but it is an option, do as followed inside of the root directory:

# Linux / Mac
rm -rf src/commands/Discord/<category>/<command>

# Windows
del ./src/commands/Discord/<category>/<command>

Disabling the command

This is a much safer way than just straight up deleting the command: by editing a command's extData. The structure of a command's extData is like this:

cmd.extData = {
      path       : undefined,
      name       : 'ping',
      syntax     : 'ping',
      bearer     : 'wump',
      aliases    : [ 'pong' ],
      argument   : [],
      description: 'Lists latencies',

      hidden     : false,
      enabled    : true,
      cooldown   : 1000,
      category   : 'Utility',
      ownerOnly  : false,
      guildOnly  : false,
      permissions: [ 'embedLinks' ]

You can disable a command simply by changing enabled to false You can also hide a command but still make it usable by changing hiddento true Or you can make a command "op" only by setting ownerOnly to true

Editing the configuration

The best way is by editing the Discord.commands array inside of your configuration file, the syntax is as followed:

        - * # Enables all commands
        - wump.* # Enables all commands with bearer "wump"
        - wump.utility.* # Enables all commands in category "utility" from bearer "wump"
        - # Only enables the "ping" command in category "utility" from bearer "wump"

Last updated